Please read.

 A few things to keep in mind.

All are welcome at Ridge Park, but PLEASE be respectful of other people using the park.

Dogs MUST be on leashes at all times & owners MUST pick up their dogs POOP!

If your dog is asked to leave the park, you will be asked to go with them and we really don’t want to ask you to do that.

Please keep the park clean for everyone to enjoy:)


Quiet time…now don’t get me wrong, we like to stay up as late as the next person, but there has to be a time for everyone to wind down and let others sleep. We’ve determined that time to be 11:00pm.

Please respect this QUIET TIME.

Put all garbage in dumpsters, recycling bins, and make it look nice for the next park user.

Keeping the park clean is what makes everyones’ stay more enjoyable, so you can all do what you come here to do, which is relax and have an amazing time. Please help us in making our park the best place it can be.

No open liquor outside of your campsite.
-not on the beach.

-not on the dock.

-not near the Playground or any other areas.

There’s tons of young children who deserve to be safe, respected, and not to worry about getting cut from glass bottles or cans. Thank you so much for helping make our campground a safe place for everyone.